
October 21, 2024
The evolution of healthcare quality has brought us to the exciting place we stand today – where visionary leaders are making bold moves to advance quality & safety and improve healthcare. Where sustainable solutions have been developed, and we only...
October 22, 2024
Session is in development. Check back for more updates!
October 23, 2024
Healthcare quality professionals have diverse backgrounds and unique education and experience that make them exceptionally suited to be leaders. This diversity is what makes the profession both unique and special. Join us for this insightful webinar that will explore the...
October 24, 2024
Session is in development. Check back for more updates! Whether you are new to quality, starting a new role in quality, onboarding team members, or mentoring colleagues it’s critical you have a plan to be successful. Join us for an...
October 25, 2024
We’ve made progress on bringing quality from the basement to the boardroom, but there’s more work to be done. And as professionals in this space, you need to be enabled with the skills to make the case for yourself and...
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